The Solution

Airshield catches 99% of the particles that can carry the Covid virus

Airshield® creates a wall of air to form an invisible barrier between people when they meet.

It uses patented airflow technology* to create a downward-moving laminar flow that catches virus carrying aerosols from the air. The particles are removed by proven HEPA filter technology, where the virus becomes inactive, and the clean air is then pumped back into the room at floor level. Airshield is not designed to work as a conventional air purifier, but has been specifically created and developed to create a barrier of air that removes aerosols and prevents virus transmission during face to face consultations. 

Airshield is more effective at preventing aerosol transmission than surgical masks. Airshield's efficacy has been validated through comprehensive testing by Nottingham Trent University which showed that Airshield® reduced the number of aerosol particles transmitted by 99% while a surgical mask only removed 80% and a visor 66%.

Airshield has been conceived and developed in the UK for use in even the smallest consultation rooms.

Research conducted by Nottingham Trent University's Medical Technologies Innovation Facility showed that Airshield  reduced the abundance of potentially virus carrying particles by 99% whereas a surgical mask only removed 80% and a visor only removed 66%.

*UK Patent GB 2597968

Airshield is a unique removal-at-source air protection device

Airshield® is a unique air protection device that creates a downward-moving laminar flow of air, which captures the potentially virus carrying aerosol particles and removes them with proven HEPA filtration, where any virus becomes inactive, and the cleansed air is then returned to the room at floor level.

Efficacy testing conducted by Nottingham Trent University's Medical Technologies Innovation Facility showed that while masks, visors and screen reduced the abundance of potentially virus carrying particles by 80%, 66% and 31% respectively, Airshield reduced the abundance by 99%.

The solution - scientifically proven

Airshield's efficacy has been validated through comprehensive testing by Notthingham Trent University which showed:

Airshield reduced the number of aerosol particles transmitted by 99%

Airshield efficacy

Airshield employs proven, patented technology to create a wall of air that forms an invisible barrier between people when they meet

Proven technology

Airshield has undergone rigorous testing by Nottingham Trent University

Removing aerosols continually

Airshield uses proven HEPA filters to capture 99% of aerosol particles

Makes virus inactive

Captured virus becomes inactive within HEPA filter


Airshield's Managing Director and Inventor Nigel Shepherd first started experimenting with ways to prevent the transmission of the virus in the air by capturing the aerosols through an air intake in 2020 and has been working on ever improving prototypes since. With a strong engineering background, Nigel has always applied validated engineering principles to achieve high quality and long-lasting value and this remains his ethos in the development and commercialisation of Airshield.

Chairman Jeremy Cummin has spent most of his career around healthcare systems and has been involved in numerous start-ups and disposals, consulted to major players in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries as well as acting for central government departments. He also serves on several boards in both chair and non-executive capacities for health-related companies and organisations.

The Airshield product uses patented technology (UK patent GB 2597968) that makes Airshield unique. The product name 'Airshield' has been registered as a trademark in the UK under No. UK00003594231.